About Us
Founded by communications professionals with public relations, journalism and digital marketing backgrounds, LAG Strategy offers a unique pairing of communications expertise with advanced digital capabilities. Services provided include public relations, crisis management, strategic communications, earned media, reputation management, social media, website design, digital advertising and online search optimization.
Mission Statement
LAG Strategy provides a PR experience unlike anything available in the industry. We identify our clients’ goals, develop a creative strategy to achieve those goals and execute them using our news industry and social media connections. Our clients understand our strategy, and we deliver.

Founded by a Pulitzer Prize-winning former journalist, LAG Strategy’s executives are experts in strategic communications. We understand how the media works, how to frame a story pitch that grabs reporters’ attention and how to train our clients to effectively communicate with the media. We are hard-working, creative and capable of telling our clients’ stories in both traditional and digital media platforms.

When a company or high-profile individual becomes the target of a criminal or regulatory investigation, reputations are on the line. That’s why it’s essential to develop a communications response in addition to a legal defense. LAG Strategy helps our clients develop messaging and effectively communicate with the news media, customers, employees and other key individuals. Our professionals are determined to help clients not only survive, but thrive while facing make-or-break situations.

In today’s digital world, businesses must develop effective online, social and mobile communications strategies. It doesn’t matter how good your product or services are; if your customers can’t find you, or if what they find is bad, you won’t survive. LAG Strategy helps our clients with their online reputation, website design, social media execution, search engine optimization and digital communications. We can also prepare defenses to online attacks by competitors, trolls or disgruntled ex-employees.